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Reiki - the original, simple method for inviting more health and  and happiness into your life

Getting back to you

Reiki is the ultimate tool for mindfulness, self-love and wellbeing.


Learn it to empower your hands with unlimited life energy. Share it with your family and friends. Send it remotely to loved ones.


Enjoy sessions to experience it.


People try Reiki for many reasons: to feel more relaxed and less anxious, to feel spiritually uplifted, to feel energised, to support their body when it is getting over something., to reconnect with themselves.

Reiki Sessions

I first learnt Reiki back in 1998 because I wanted to have something I could self-treat with. I didn't have the idea of offering it to friends, let alone clients. Since then, I have been involved in setting professional standards for Reiki in the UK for over 20 years' now, as well as setting up a remote treatment service for the NHS with published research.


Reiki is my go to in almost all situations: when I am under the weather, when I am thinking about new projects, when I am preparing for an event, when I am meditating, when my family need help. It increases a positive outlook and is a highway to your authentic self, if you let it.


Sessions are tailored to you, we discuss where you are before the session. For instance, wanting more mental calm, relaxation or physical energy.


All Reiki sessions take place fully clothed and can be experienced either sitting or lying down as you prefer.


A series of sessions are recommended for maximum benefit.

Sessions cost £60 individually  or 5 for £250 when booked in advance.


Book Reiki sessioons




Learn Reiki

Whether you just want to use Reiki for yourself or gain a nationally verified professional practitioner diploma, I will support your dedication.

Rosemary Pharo

The Reiki Principles


Just for today

Don't get angry

Don't worry

Be grateful

Do your best

Be kind to others


Reiki's founder recommended people to reflect and meditate on these every morning and evening - to get into new habits of mind.


This, he said, was the 'miracle medicine'.  


Today, science says a practice of gratitude has many benefits for us. We know that anger and worry change our body's chemistry. Life isn't always easy, but a habitual focus on expecting positive outcomes overall, gives us both a sense of greater control, a reasons to keep trying and creates self-fulfilling prophecies.


Reiki was founded by a Japanese man called Mikao Usui sensei (1865 to 1926).


He spent years meditating and seeking answers to the questions of life.


Finally, in an uncompromising and  extremely challenging 21 day medition on Mount Kurama, near Kyoto, Japan, everything came together and he finally broke through in a moment of enlightenment.


He spent the rest of his life teaching his system of Reiki to many students. From Japan, via his teacher Chujiro Hayashi, a Japanese Hawaiian student, Hawayo Takata, brought Reiki to the West in the 1970s. In a short period of time, Reiki has spread around the world.


Much gratitude to all those who have had the courage and persistence to stay on their journey and bring Reiki to the rest of us!



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